Sunday, 27 April 2014

the human being a balance of apprehension and self-help

we take a look at the human body; divine in nature and defining god in all means; since we no longer have a need to argue upon whether or not one's art defines him. we have all these perfectly interlocking body organs like the brain and the nerves and muscles and skin and blood and our lungs and how we breathe and how our bodies automatically crave the products involuntarily and biologically.

aside from the organs working in an assembled unison, we accentuate on the organs we hold less of an importance of; be it our tonsils or appendices or even our sexual organs. i would like to emphasise the intensity of using sexual organs as a term itself.

it is not uncommon to be fearful or shameful about the 'parts' we all posses, for what reason, however? who taught us to hide half the fate of the continuum of our very own species away?

say we bring up beliefs and mythology. in an aspect, we could say that our ultimate goal in all our reincarnations is to pick up a little something from each life, apply it to the next, and go on to the point of being inert - want free. on the other hand, we can all agree that each religion has messengers, or those who are free enough from their worldly problems to block out the noise and stay in touch with god.

how many of you are skeptics? let me just say that i too question each and every thing before it occurs to be in the clearest way possible. i began reasoning with how these people know that they are calm enough to be able to rid themselves of what is human nature - problems. problems are a part of learning - and how will the people of god link us to him and help us, when they can't even help themselves? does god help them directly, or can they not hear him due to the persistent voice of the pessimistic part of the mind?

this is where i come to. apprehension and pessimism. we all have it; even the optimists who like to shove how good their lives are in our faces, and our lives need not even be in a plummeting shape to feel such affliction. over the years, i've noticed that it is not only me who feels an extensive awkwardness that is a sort of sensation that there is a conspiracy flying against you whenever the degree of satisfaction in your life is very much above average for a long period of time. let me cut that down, how many of you have ever felt that something bad is going to happen because life's just so damn good?

i do. everyone does, or at least the majority of people. the purpose of my statement is that our realist minds move close to pessimism, but we as humans are designed to clear that. remember when i talked about the divine design of the human body? yes, how is it that not many have realised that there is an organ we speak of in hushed tones that is created purely for pleasure. and of course, making babies, but that's a whole other topic.

in this way we see that we, as humans, can deplete our own tensions (if you know what i mean) because pleasure was hand-delivered to us by our creator.

now, why would the 'people of god' or inerts keep this hushed? why do they reprimand a god-given gift to us by saying it is a sin? are they defying god? how dare they? why would they keep the secret to being inert (or balancing out the human nature to encounter problems by using biological pleasure) to themselves when they are supposed to be of help? how do they know they are qualified to do this?

so, is sex really a sin?

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